Okay, this is SO bad that I have to write in english...

What the fuck is up with Jin lately? I know you feel special now, debuting solo and being the main character of a movie, but DO YOU REALLY HAVE TO LOOK THE SAME FORBOTH THE PVS OF YOUR NEW SONGS?! Like, a;slkfdj no. Honestly I would not be surprised if they filmed two PVs in the same day and Jin just forwent changing.

That, and Koki's looking like a sleaze again. His style ATM is probably a cross between, like, indies rock and BLING rock and hard rock. Just...no.

Needless to say that when I still don't really get the selling point of KAT-TUN, Ireally mean that I don't get the selling point of KAT-TUN. :\

...Someone agree with me.

...Am looking forward to Troublemaker though, no lie. ドキドキ
